Jar of thistle juice

Green Juice, anyone?? You’ll NEVER guess what we made!

It all started at the Mother Earth News Fair, back in 2016, when Marjory Wildcraft mentioned the Homesteading Summit in a talk. During this summit, Isabelle and I tuned in to Katrina Blair‘s discussion on weeds. In particular, THISTLES! Now, if you have been following or farm for long, you know that we have a plethora of these biennial thorny beasts. I know the birds and…

Gray chinchilla rabbit on a lawn

American Chinchilla rabbits By Isabelle Winkler

Years ago, on a whim, my brother and I each chose a baby rabbit from a local farm store. When we originally purchased rabbits, we were not prepared. We jumped in with little knowledge. A poor decision which resulted in a lot of failures, which I learned from. Our rabbits were mongrels, but did fairly well! Many rabbits came and went. Then,…